(low range)

Tabs provided by Tony Bellamy...                                                               For Diatonic harmonica
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4    5 s 6 6  6    6  -6  6   -5    5 s 4
When I was a child my fam-ily would tra-vel
4   -4    5 s 6   6  6  -5   -5   5  -4   4   -4    5
Down to West-ern Ken-tuc-ky where my par-ents were born
4     4   -4    5  s 6   6   6    6    -6   6 -5   5 s 4
And there's a back-ward old town that's oft-en re-mem-bered
4  5 s 6   6   -5   5 -4    4    -3    4
So man-y times that my mem'-ries are worn.
Chorus (Repeat after each verse)
4   5 s 6  6      6    6   6   6   6  -6   6  -5    5 s 4
And dad-dy, won't you take me back to Muh-len-berg Coun-ty
4    5 s 6    6   6  -5   5    -4  4 -4    5
Down by the Green Ri-ver where Par-a-dise lay
4     -4  5 s 6  6   6    6   6   -6   6  -5  5 s 4
Well, I'm sor-ry my son, but your too late in as-kin'
4   -4   5 s 6  6     6    6   -4    5   -4  4
Mist-er Pea-bo-dy's train has hauled it   a-way.
(s=Slide between notes)
Verse 2
Well, some-times we'd trav-el right down the Green Riv-er
To the a-band-oned old pri-son down by A-drie Hill
Where the air smel-led like snakes and we'd shoot with our pis-tols
But emp-ty pop bot-tles was all we would kill.
Verse 3
  The coal com-pany came with the world's larg-est sho-vel
  And they tort-ured the tim-ber and stripped all the land
  Well, they dug for the coal 'till the land was for-saken
  Then they wrote it all down as the pro-gress of man
Verse 4
When I die let my ash-es float down the Green Ri-ver
Let my soul roll on up to the  Ro-chest-er Dam
I'll be hal-fway to hea-ven with Para-dise wait-ing
Just five miles a-way from where ever I am.

                  (high range)

  7  8 s 9 9   9    9 -10  9    -9   8 s 7
When I was a child my fam-ily would tra-vel
  7  -8   8   9   9   9  -9   -9   8  -8   7   -8    8
Down to West-ern Ken-tuc-ky where my par-ents were born
 7    7     -8  8 s  9   9    9    9    -10  9 -9  8 s  7
And there's a back-ward old town that's oft-en re-mem-bered
 7  8 s9   9    -9   8  -8    7   -7   7
So man-y times that my mem'-ries are worn.
Chorus (Repeat after each verse)
 7   8 s 9    9    9    9   9   9   9 -10  9   -9    8 s 7
And dad-dy, won't you take me back to Muh-len-berg Coun-ty
  7   8 s9    9    9  -9   8    -8 7  -8   8
Down by the Green Ri-ver where Par-a-dise lay
  7    -8  8 s 9  9  9    9    9  -10   9  -9  8 s 7
Well, I'm sor-ry my son, but your too late in as-kin'
  7  -8  8 s 9  9     9    9    -8    8  -8 7
Mist-er Pea-bo-dy's train has hauled it  a-way.
(s=Slide between notes)
Verse 2
Well, some-times we'd trav-el right down the Green Riv-er
To the a-band-oned old pri-son down by A-drie Hill
Where the air smel-led like snakes and we'd shoot with our pis-tols
But emp-ty pop bot-tles was all we would kill.
Verse 3
The coal com-pany came with the world's larg-est sho-vel
And they tort-ured the tim-ber and stripped all the land
Well, they dug for the coal 'till the land was for-saken
Then they wrote it all down as the pro-gress of man
Verse 4
When I die let my ash-es float down the Green Ri-ver
Let my soul roll on up to the  Ro-chest-er Dam
I'll be hal-fway to hea-ven with Para-dise wait-ing
Just five miles a-way from where ever I am.

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