Holy, Holy, Holy

Midi 1(D120)




Tabbed for the Chromatic Harmonica by Gary M.                                                 Return to Gary M's Song Page

 5  5   6  6   7  7   -7   -7 -7   7   6
Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly! Lord God Al-might-y!
 7   7  7  7    8   -8  7   -5    7    -7   7   7
Ear-ly in the morn-ing our song shall rise to Thee.
 5  5   6  6   7  7   -7 -7  -7  -7  7    7
Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly; mer-ci-ful and might-y!
 8   7   7    -7  6      -6  -5  -5  5  5
God in three Per-sons, bless-ed Trin-i-ty!

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